• I am a sports and dance performance photographer by necessity as much as by choice.  Stricken with dystonia, a movement disorder, I now capture the essence and grace of movement in dance and athletics. For years, photography was my second calling.  I hold two Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering degrees from Princeton University, a BSE in 1982 and an MSE in 1985.  After successful careers in building spacecraft and IT consulting, my life was derailed with the acute onset of Cervical Dystonia in 2007.  Unable to continue either stressful career paths, I decided to return to my love of photography and coupled it with the two things in which I enjoyed participating while growing up in Hollywood California: sports and dance.  After many years away from serious photography, it felt like a time warp in making the jump from black and white  darkroom photography to digital images and I hope you like the results of my transition with these images.
  • Pre Pandemic, I was an instructor at Princeton University's School of Engineering teaching courses in mechanical design, microprocessor controls, Engineering Projects in Community Service, and the Freshman Seminar in the Art and Science of Motorcycle Restoration.
  • I am constantly expanding my photographic capabilities. I hope you also enjoy my landscapes and panoramas. I enjoy creating virtual panoramic tours of my favorite places. Click here to view one I did of the Princeton University Chapel
  • II am currently located in New England: Cheshire Connectivut to be exact but I cover NYC to Boston so please email or DM to inquire about photoshoot sessions in studio or on location..